Veteran developer Tommy Tucker brings 30-plus years of expertise in suburban, urban master-planned and commercial properties to help expand Legacy’s real estate portfolio

AUSTIN, TexasJune 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Legacy Performance Capital (LPC), an affiliated asset management and investment firm of international real estate sales and marketing firm, Legacy International, has named veteran real estate developer Tommy Tucker to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer.

Tucker’s expertise in high-profile master-planned communities, mixed-use and commercial properties in suburban markets and the urban core will greatly enhance LPC’s growth in Central Texas at a pivotal moment since the company’s founding in 2018. The former vice president and general manager of Johnson Development Corp., one of the nation’s leading residential and commercial land development companies, Tommy Tucker has a long track record of successful development.

Tucker was also vice president, residential-Austin, for Crescent Communities, an award-winning national real estate developer dedicated to master-planned, multi-family, commercial mixed-use and resort development. He was previously vice president of Catellus Development, a national developer, overseeing the residential and retail development for Mueller, an award-winning, 700-acre planned community in Austin’s urban core.

“Tommy’s senior and executive level development, construction and legal experience will help direct our growth from an organic, hands-on, entrepreneurial management approach. With a significant portfolio in place and numerous expansion opportunities, it is time to reward our growing Legacy Team and leverage the experience of this talented senior leader,” said Legacy Performance Capital CEO, Philip Jalufka, who’s also President and CEO of Legacy International, comprised of urban, active adult, luxury residential and resort communities, whose current portfolio exceeds $1 billion in sales revenue. “Having Tommy joining the Legacy Team in this capacity is a real win. We are very excited for his expertise and leadership within the organization.”

Tucker will direct LPC’s team and strategic partners to acquire and develop a number of properties that will expand Legacy’s portfolio in the next three to five years. He will also oversee the exisiting portfolio of over 1,300 homes with an investment commitment exceeding $400M. The existing portfolio includes The Station at St. Elmo, a $45M+ mixed-use residential development near Austin’s central business district, a new $90M community in Lakeway, and many more throughout the Austin area.

“I have strong, long-standing relationships that I can leverage with land planners, architects, commercial brokers, contractors, and suburban and urban real estate professionals in Central Texas to help raise Legacy’s brand awareness and profile with new homebuyers and the real estate community,” said Tucker.

About Legacy Performance Capital

To capitalize on ‘innovative real estate opportunities’, Philip W. Jalufka organized an Asset Management and Opportunity Fund, with a substantial equity placement and respective working capital investment. Known as Legacy Performance Capital (LPC), this capital resources the Legacy team and a real estate portfolio branded as “Legacy Communities” achieving internal return rates exceeding 25%. With a center of gravity in Texas and an active presence throughout the United States and the Americas, LPC creates new and enhanced opportunities for the Legacy team and related companies, while maximizing return for the investment partners.

This passionate real estate team, with decades of experience in residential, resort and multifamily development, has identified a pipeline of diverse opportunities. Alongside industry leading strategic partners, the team provides a full suite of functional area responsibilities (including design, development, sales & marketing, and construction services) with a systems-based platform. For more information about Legacy Performance Capital, visit For more information about LPC’s real estate portfolio, visit

About Legacy International

Legacy International is an international sales and marketing company with a portfolio of active adult, luxury residential, resort and metropolitan master plan communities generating over $1 billion in sales revenue to date. Founded in 2007, the company provides a suite of services, including world-class consulting, sales knowledge, marketing expertise and brokerage operations for home builders and real estate developers. Legacy’s single objective is to maximize the return on investment to the developer through strategic management of the comprehensive sales and marketing process. With a center of gravity in Texas, Legacy has sales and marketing teams deployed in ArizonaFlorida and throughout the Americas.

Philip Jalufka, Legacy’s International’s founder, president and CEO, has recently published his first book, Leading With Your Life Equation: How to Be Indestructible, Indispensable, and Unstoppable. The Texas based author, real estate entrepreneur and former army aviation special operator chronicles a life of lessons crossing personal, military, business experiences and the journey to his own “life equation,” leading to a remarkable record of service, achievement and enterprise.

For more information, visit

Media contact: Martin Elder: Ma*********@sw**********.com 646-645-7108